AJPSA Smart Society

Phone: + 1-425-605-0775
Email: managingeditor.ajamc@uem.edu.in
Address: Society for Makers, Artist Researchers and Technologists. 6408 Elizabeth Avenue SE, Auburn, WA 98092, USA

volume 2 issue 1

1. A Brief Discussion on Mixed Micelle Formed by Block Copolymer and Surfactant
Abstract: Amphiphilic block copolymers undergo self-aggregates into various nanostructures in
aqueous medium and the properties of block copolymers are highlyaltered by the addition of
ionic as well as non-ionic surfactants.By mixing with block copolymers with surfactant, the
nano-structure as well as the solubility, stability and bioavailability enhances. In this review
we want to provide a briefoverview of mixed-micelle formation between various block
copolymers and various non-ionic, cationic, anionic surfactants.
Doi- doi.org/10.15864/ajps.2101
2. A brief review of application of Graphene in the field of Electrical sensor as
field effect transistor
Abstract: Graphene is considered to be the most efficient material for the future of nanomaterials. Due
to its unique structure and good thermal and electrical conductivity opened a door for future
research. The graphene based field effect transistors are one of the most important application
of graphene. Thus it can be used after p or n doping for the detection and analysing some of
the substrate. Thus this paper contains a very brief review on the graphene in field of
electrical sensor.
Doi- doi.org/10.15864/ajps.2102
3. Statistical studies of Conductance Fluctuations in Quantum Dots
Abstract: A mathematical formulation of the mesoscopic fluctuations of the conductance in almost closed
quantum dots (weak dot-leads coupling) is discussed by RMT (Ranom Matrix Theory) as a statistical
tool. A quantum dot (artificial atom) is a sub-micron-scale conducting device containing up to
several thousand electrons. Transport of electron through a quantum dot at low temperatures is
a quantum-coherent process. Conductance fluctuations of an arbitrary shape dot, with or without
disorder, in presence/ absence of electron-electron interactions have been studied analytically. These
fluctuations can be expressed in terms of the eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian of the dots expressed
in the basis of the connecting leads. The distribution of the eigenfunctions is obtained by using
multiparametric Gaussian random matrix ensemble with independent matrix elements to model the
non-interacting cases and the correlated Gaussian ensembles for the interacting cases.
Doi- doi.org/10.15864/ajps.2103
4. Nanomaterials and its use in Nanotechnology: A Short Review
Abstract: Nanоtechnоlоgy is science, engineering, and technology conducted at the
nanoscale, which is about 1 to 100 nanometers. Many technical and industry sectors are
benefiting from nanotechnology, including information technology, energy, environmental
science, medicine, homeland security, food safety, and transportation, to name a few.
Nanotechnology today takes advantage of recent advances in chemistry, physics, materials
science, and biotechnology to generate novel materials with unique properties due to their
nanometer-scale structures. The numerous applications of nanotechnology in recent decades
are summarized in this text.
Doi- doi.org/10.15864/ajps.2104
5. A Brief Review on the Effect of Global Warming on Ecosystem
Abstract: The concentrationof several greenhouse gases has increased over time. The ongoing
accumulation of greenhouse gases causes increase in global warming. Experts in fields
from forestry to economics, even national security experts, pitched in to assess the range of
possible consequences. The unfortunate reality is that predicting the impact of global
warming is notoriously hard. It brings a whole range of scientific disciplines together, such
as oceanography, meteorology, and geology, while no one can agree on the exact impacts
for specific regions of the world. All scientists agree global warming will have numerous
negative effects on our planet and our way of life.
Doi- doi.org/10.15864/ajps.2105