AJPSA Smart Society

Phone: + 1-425-605-0775
Email: managingeditor.ajamc@uem.edu.in
Address: Society for Makers, Artist Researchers and Technologists. 6408 Elizabeth Avenue SE, Auburn, WA 98092, USA

The American Journal of Physical Sciences and Applications

US: ISSN 2644-0792

Welcome To AJPSA

The American Journal of Physical Sciences and Applications (AJPSA) (US: ISSN 2644-0792) is an international open access, peer-reviewed, biannually Journal published by Society for Makers, Artist, Researchers and Technologists (SMART). It publishes high quality research works in a wide range of fields, not published previously in Journals. The multi-disciplinary research journal includes topic like theoretical and experimental science, engineering, technology, etc. The prime aim of the Journal is to promote research by disseminating original results in the form of full length articles, short communications and review articles.

Aim & Scope

The journal invites original, innovative, high quality research articles in the field of physical sciences and applications like but not

  • Theoretical and Experimental condensed matter physics
  • Nano Science and Technology
  • Nuclear science and Technology
  • Nuclear structure and reactions
  • Relativistic nuclear collisions and Quark Gluon Plasma
  • Hadron physics
  • Electroweak interaction in nuclei and nuclear astrophysics
  • High energy Physics
  • Chemical Sciences
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Electrical Sciences
  • Electronics and VLSI


The Society for Makers, Artists, Researchers and Technologists (SMART) is a US and Canada based non-profit society with the goal of creating a pool of unique ideas, thoughts in the form of short, power packed talks for propelling others to excel in their respective fields. It serves as a platform for Makers, Artists, Researchers and Technologists to bring forth their views to the entire world.  It publishes high quality peer-reviewed International Journals like American Journal of Advanced Computing (AJAC), International Journal of English Learning and Teaching Skills (IJELTS), American Journal of Physical Sciences and Applications (AJPSA), etc
