AJPSA Smart Society

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Email: managingeditor.ajamc@uem.edu.in
Address: Society for Makers, Artist Researchers and Technologists. 6408 Elizabeth Avenue SE, Auburn, WA 98092, USA

volume 1 issue 1

1.A real space approach to study the effect of disorder on the ±s-wave state of the iron-based superconductors
Author:  Subhadeep Bandyopadhyay, Prashant Singh, and Shreemoyee Ganguly
Abstract: In this work, we present a real space-based method to analyze the consequence of randomness on a model two-band Hubbard Hamiltonian which represents a “± s-wave superconductor”. A ironpnictide superconductor has this symmetry of superconducting order parameter. Using our method we analyze the effect of substitutional disorder on diagonal and off-diagonal terms of the Hamiltonian of the system. Disorder in the interband intersite hopping integral is seen to kill superconductivity in the system. Thus such randomness leads us to a paradigm beyond Anderson’s proposition for “dirty superconductors”
 DOI: doi.org/10.15864/ajpsa.111
2.Carbide fire in an acetylene gas plant − a case study
Author:  Gargi Bhattacharjee, Gopal Bera, Sudip Kumar Das, and Biswajit Singha
Abstract: This study deals with an incidence of small fire breaks in an industrial gas plant, manufacturing acetylene gas. It also explains the probable causes, preventive and corrective measures. What – if analysis and Cause – consequence analysis were used to identify the possible errors and the unsafe activities. Emergency procedures are also discussed. Finally some useful recommendations are listed which has been drawn for industrial facilities storing calcium carbide which is the raw material for acetylene production and preparing acetylene.
DOI: doi.org/10.15864/ajpsa.112
3.On the size control of nanoparticles synthesis without chemicals
Author:  Shyamal Mondal, Arpan Maiti, and S. R. Bhattacharyya
Abstract: Nanoparticles and subnanometer size particles of metal or semiconductor have a very important role in preventing environmental degradation which is alarming now a days. Threat to environmental damage can be averted by resorting to clean energy sources instead of conventional fossil fuel such petroleum, coal, etc., and controlling the toxic materials from spreading as well as reducing their life time by catalysing their degradation. Catalyzing energy conversion and degrading toxic materials is possible by the use of metal nanoparticles of specific size ranges. In this article, a novel method of production of nanoparticle with precise control on their size without the use of chemical reagents
 DOI: doi.org/10.15864/ajpsa.113
4.Perspectives of Quantitative Depth Profiling
Author:  Biswajit Saha and Rajiv K. Chouhan
Abstract: This article primarily deals with the compensation of “matrix effect”in secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) for direct quantitative analysis of materials using MCs+-SIMS approach. Emphasis has been given on exploring the formation mechanisms of MCs+ n (n = 1, 2,..) molecular ions (M denotes the element to be analyzed and Cs+ is the bombarding ion) emitted in the SIMS process. Following a brief introduction on SIMS, a study on MCs+ n molecular ions emitted from various metal and semiconductor targets under Cs+ primary bombardment has been discussed.
DOI: doi.org/10.15864/ajpsa.114
5.Another New Family of Gold-Like Sequences
Author:  Sankhadip Roy and Arnab Ganguly
Abstract: In this correspondence, for a positive odd integer n, a new family U of binary sequences with 2n + 1 sequences of length 2n −1 taking three-valued nontrivial correlations −1 and −1±2n+1 2 is presented. This family U is constructed using the families introduced by Boztas and Kumar [4] , Kim and No [7]. This family has the same correlation distribution as that of the well-known Gold sequences. So this family can be considered as another new class of Gold-like sequences.
DOI: doi.org/10.15864/ajpsa.115